Web Design



Complicated integrations meet clean, user-friendly design.

Services Provided Custom Website Development & Design | Custom Learning Management System | WordPress CMS | Ecommerce Integration | Website Hosting

Project Details

This website project killed a few birds with one stone as the client had several challenges with their old Joomla website. It was difficult for the COPAS team to manage and limited their business offerings, as well. COPAS sells accounting education courses and event registration online, but their old site was not able to sell both offerings in one cart, which was cumbersome for users.

Their old website also had to integrate with a third-party learning management system (LMS), but the users did not sync properly between the platforms, which always presented issues.

Now, COPAS has a WordPress and WooCommerce site that’s easy to manage! They’ve gone from two disjointed carts to one and their member information is all centralized. To relieve the complicated integrations with a third-party LMS provider, a custom LMS was created to interface with their WordPress site.

Visually, the new site leans on typography and a cool color palette that echos the brand.

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